Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A business with a mission

Editor's note: Folks, this is not a "Kingdom Business" per se, but I thought it was great to see a 20 year old entrepreneur who's got such a heart for making a difference. Thought you might like to 'hear' her on her "Mission Beyond Business".

From Christa's blog at http://www.christa-taylor.com/

How I got started? That is a loaded question…well, let’s see…here is the succinct version:

I’ve never particularly dreamed of being in the fashion business or even working with clothes (actually I wanted to go into nursing ;)…It all started several years ago, when we jokingly complained about how “someone” should start a clothing company featuring more modest apparel. Little did I know…I reached the apex of my frustration with the fashion industry when looking for appropriate swimwear…it just didn’t exist. So,we designed our own and had it manufactured here in the States. That was the start…we then began adding on additional apparel and additional team members. We are still fairly small, but are advancing our borders one step at a time.

The driving passion behind Christa-Taylor as a company is using Business as a tool for missions. R.J. Letourneau is one of my greatest heroes. Latourneau gave 98% of his income away, supporting missions groups across the US and around the world. That’s really my heart in the whole thing.

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