Friday, January 11, 2008

Unexpected Productivity

From our colleague "Sarah" in a developing nation, where a new business has begun:

The ladies are making bracelets much faster than I could have calculated. My mistake was I measured the base production time based on what I and other western ladies can do! You should see their fingers fly – it’s obvious they’ve been doing beadwork and sewing all their lives! It means what we’ll spend in artisan salaries for the first 6 months is quite a bit more than I had budgeted! I had planned we would double production 6 months after starting, but now that will just be spread out over the year instead.

The artisans and my supervisor are so happy to be working at our office and doing the work they’re doing. It is a rare opportunity for them, and because it is a culturally appropriate environment (no men), their husbands and fathers give them permission to work without reservation. A woman’s reputation is so important here. If it is tarnished, it cannot be restored, and it affects her whole family, everyone’s ability to be set into a good marriage, ability to earn income, etc. So they guard their reputations like precious treasure. Even though it is so precious and tied to livelihood, it can be easily damaged by a stray word by the wrong person so women guard it fiercely as do their husbands and fathers.

and related to lifestyle changes:

Today is day 5 without running water. The pipes are frozen and snow is still everywhere. I’ve resorted to melting snow over the stove to have water to flush the toilet. I’ve even been using bottled water at 20 cents/ a bottle to take a washcloth bath, wash my hair (only every 4th day), and then, of course, to flush the toilet! Today I used a bottle of a 7up-like drink someone left at my house to flush the toilet – crazy!

editor's comment:
I remember times like that as well from a different part of the world! I guess we learn to adapt to whatever our situation is. :) Let's remember to uphold "Sarah" and the ladies she is working with!

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