Thursday, December 6, 2007

A True KB Story from Nepal--Conclusion

Final Resolution
(See "A True KB Story from Nepal" for background, below.)

In case you are wondering what happened to the project or if Gita took everything. Hema after all this organized a meeting to bring together the church elders and Gita, which initially Gita refused to attend. Later, however, she was obliged to meet with them. Also, in the meeting a resolution was sought and it was decided that every asset of the company will be divided equally among Hema and Gita. Not a resolution we wanted but definitely something to be hopeful about.

Well, I was of the understanding that Hema learnt her lesson and she was going to start the company all over with proper papers and documentation. But after the incident, she left the country and does not ever want to start any business again. Of course she paid a month’s allowance as compensation to the employees but it was not something they were looking for. She now thinks that money was the evil thing and she should not involve herself with money matters ever again.

Gita wants to run the business on her own and I am not sure what is happening on that front at this point, as none of the employees wanted to work under her.


Luis said...

Congratulations in your marriage, form your friends at Ethnos Coffee.

Luis said...

Congratulations on your wedding,

From your friends at Ethnos