Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways. Proverbs 3:31
Biblical Entrepreneurs, especially, must guard against envy since they are in the marketplace which is full of individuals who have achieved earthly success without God. Some of those individuals have even used God to achieve their success without necessarily employing His ways or worshipping Him as God.
Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD. Proverbs 23:17
Do not envy wicked men, do not desire their company. Proverbs 24:1
You may ask why anyone would envy someone who does not share his or her values. The answer is simple - money, power, possessions and influence. Although most believers would openly admit that they would never cheat, lie, steal or use ungodly tactics in their business practices, many envy or admire those who do and who have acquired money, power, possessions and influence through those tactics. The more admiration believers have for those in the world, the more vulnerable they are to employing their ways to achieve success. Who are your marketplace heroes? Which leaders do you admire? What ways have they employed to achieve their success?
Why is God warning believers not to envy individuals who do not reflect their values? Because it will lead them to choosing their ways. Yes, if you envy someone long enough you will eventually employ his methods and practices to achieve his results.
For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16
During my years in high school I had a friend named Jason. We both attended a private Christian high school. Jason was born and raised in a Christian household, but I was not. We had been taught about the dangers of drugs. One year Jason attended summer school because he had failed some courses during the school year. While in summer school, he met a young entrepreneur whose business was in the pharmaceutical industry; he sold illegal drugs. He drove an SUV that we all envied, and had money, power, possessions and influence. Jason soon became friends with him with no intentions of ever participating in his lifestyle or joining him in the business. Within 6 months of their relationship, Jason was arrested for selling illegal drugs. This led Jason to be placed under house arrest, which meant he was being monitored by the police from his home at all times. However, he violated it with my help since we did not understand the consequences of our actions. Jason ended up in prison. He was later released but was later arrested and sent back to prison. The next time he was released, he was shot and killed because in prison he further took on the ways of those who did not share his values. Jason swore he would never sell drugs but because of envy; a desire for the money, power, possessions and influence of another, he chose his ways. This ignorant act led to him losing his life at the age of 21.
How then do we avoid envying the oppressor? Reject his benefits. Reject the money, the power, possessions and influence. As a Biblical Entrepreneur you must say in your heart, "if the only way for me to get money, power, possessions and influence is to employ the ways of the oppressor, I reject them." Remember, the Scripture teaches us that it is better to have little with righteousness than to have a whole lot without right Proverbs 16:8. By rejecting the benefits of the oppressor, you are committing to choose the ways of God as the only option you have to obtain money, power, possessions, and influence. God is not against you having money, power, possessions, and influence, all He wants is for you to acquire them by seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness. He wants us to, "delight ourselves in [Him] and He will give [us] the desires of [our] heart[s]" Psalm 37:4. He wants us to choose "godliness with contentment" with the promise that it will achieve "great gain" 1 Timothy 6:6.
Patrice Tsague is the Founder of Nehemiah Project International Ministries.