Tuesday, May 17, 2011


By Patrice Tsague, NPIM

I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which you have given to Me to do. John 17:4

Are you a finisher? How far are you in accomplishing the mission that God has given you to do? Have you identified your finish markers?

Entrepreneurs can be great starters but poor finishers. They go from business to business looking for the great hit. They start a business but soon get bored once it moves to the management stage and start spinning their wheels. They are sometimes unable or unwilling to move aside when the business moves to a mature phase that requires a more disciplined management style. Biblical Entrepreneurs must be committed to the finish. We must model after God the Father and Jesus Christ, our Savior. Genesis 1 and 2 detail how God created the entire universe within six days and rested on the seventh day, once He had finished His work.

Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Genesis 2:2.

We see Jesus in John 17 talking to the Father about finishing the work which was given for Him to do. Jesus, in Luke 14:25-30, challenges those who desire to follow Him to count the cost before committing to follow Him, because if they join Him they must be committed to the finish. God expects us to finish what we start. You do not have to start anything in the name of Christ but you do have to finish what you start. Finishing is one of the key attributes of a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. What does it mean to finish? To finish means to completely empty yourself in carrying out your God-given assignment; to bring a God-given assignment to the point where others can pick up and continue it. From a kingdom business application it means to build a profitable, sustainable and scalable business that can withstand at least three generations.

You have finished once you bring something to an end or to the point where others can pick up and continue it. Finishing, for entrepreneurs, is not easy since entrepreneurs enjoy the thrill of starting new things. There is a rush that comes with a new project that soon goes away once the project is beyond the start-up phase. Finishing requires extreme discipline and a willingness to persevere through difficult times. How do you ensure that you finish the business the Lord has given you to build?

1. Make sure you have a plan - you must have a clear, documented direction with clearly defined finishing points and an exit strategy.

2. Identify your finishing points - finishing points are major phases in the business journey that mark major milestones where transition can be possible. There are four major finishing points:

   a. Breakeven - this point is when the business income and cash collections are able to cover all the operating expenses. Normally breakeven just focuses on income, but the problem with limiting yourself to income is that not all income is cash. Therefore you may have enough income to cover expenses on paper but not enough cash, which means you still must rely on external capital to finance the business.

   b. Profitability - this point is when the business is able to clear enough margins to build reserves, save and give to good works and works of righteousness (Covenant).

   c. Delegation - this point is when the founder(s) is able to remove him or herself from the day to day tasks to oversee the business. As Jim Collins puts it, "You can work on the business versus in the business."

   d. Succession - this point is when you are able to pass the baton to the next generation. At this point you are completely removed from the business and have raised up someone else to provide leadership.

Once you reach the point of succession you must enter a season of rest; a time when you can enjoy the fruits of your work. This is a time to renew and repurpose so you can prepare to embark upon something new or long to see the father. Finishing is not easy but is essential if we are going to really fulfill what God has called us to do in the earth realm and hear those wonderful words, "Well done good and faithful servant."

Where are you in your journey? Make sure you stay committed to the finish so you can please your Master.

Copyright © 2011 Patrice Tsague ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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