Friday, July 22, 2011

goodbye and see you later!

(by Skye G.)

We're going back to Mongolia! It's been a long time coming, but after waiting and waiting, now everything is moving faster than anticipated! :)

Lots to do, not much time left...

We'll fly out of Norfolk on the 5th of August. So, in the next couple of weeks (I'm not counting the days!) we'll be wrapping up things at work. At the same time, we need to go thru all of our stuff, and sort into take, give, sell, ship, and discard piles. whew! hoping that this sunday afternoon can be a massive sprint thru everything in a garage, and then we'll tackle the house. ;)

Pray for us!

Besides all that, though, we are excited to be heading back.

(You can read our recent newsletter here:

We'll miss folks on this side of the world but are looking forwad to seeing friends and family on the other side! Keep in touch! Maybe you can come and teach in a Business Development Center in Ulaanbaatar...!

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