Monday, April 4, 2011

by Jason Benedict
RCE Strategist

I had a good weekend - Saturday morning I worked on developing a resource for the students. Saturday afternoon I went to a wedding reception for a graduate. In the evening one of our two visiting executives for this week arrived from South Africa. Sunday morning I awakened to a tremor (we are in an earthquake zone – African Rift Valley), the rest of the day was calmer. I briefed our visiting executive on the week ahead and spent some time reading. :)

This morning I awakened to construction sounds: shovels scraping on concrete and hammers banging. From my guesthouse window I have been watching the progress on a home being built just up the hill. The workers are very busy and remind me of ants on a hill climbing the ramp with concrete blocks on their shoulders - crawling over the scaffolding. This is a common site in sub-Saharan Africa, but this group seem more industrious that most I have observed over the years. Here in Kigali you have a sense of progress – that seems unique. You see it in new construction, infrastructure development, conversations you overhear in the restaurants and you can sense it in our business development center!

I am looking forward to tonight’s class. The entrepreneurs are working on refining their business model, pulling together all they have learned, preparing to launch (some already have). I wish you were here!

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