Monday, December 13, 2010

The Benefits of Pleasing God

When a man's ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7

How would you like to make your worst enemy live at peace with you? Your enemy could be an in law, a competitor, a neighbor; anyone whom you have done your best to be kind to, but for some reason, no matter what you do, he or she seems to get more enraged with you. Your enemy may be determined to undermine you. No matter what you do, the person seems to be unsatisfied; it seems that his or her satisfaction will be to see you hurt or non-existent.

Romans 12:18 states, "if it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men." This suggests that unfortunately no matter how hard you try, being at peace with all is in part dependent upon the other person's willingness to cooperate. What do we then do when the other person is not willing to cooperate? In such instances, we should focus our attention on pleasing God and allow Him to fight our battles for us.

Pleasing God has many benefits, which include:

• He will give you the desires of your heart

• He will give you eternal life

• He will provide for you

• He will cause you to live at peace with your enemies

• And much more

Let us focus on the aspect of being at peace with our enemies. Why is this benefit so important for the Biblical Entrepreneur? Our enemies can be a distraction, they can be a temptation, and they can take us off our game. No matter how spiritual you are, an enemy who is persistent may eventually wear on you because he may employ ungodly methods against you while you are limited to only using strategies that honor the Lord in your dealings with him. Unfortunately, when some of us are fed up, we take matters into our own hands so we are not perceived as being a weak Christian. This is unacceptable because when we take matters into our own hands, we fight battles ourselves when the Bible states that "the battle is not ours it is the Lord's". I Samuel 17:47

When we have done all we can to make peace with our enemies to no avail, let us focus our energies on pleasing the Lord with all of our hearts so He may fight our battles. Who have you been trying to make peace with to no avail? Turn your focus on pleasing God and watch Him supernaturally turn their hearts around.

Copyright © 2010 Patrice Tsague ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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