Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ternopil, Ukraine: Biblical Entrepreneurship Training

Here is the group of students Tom worked with in Ukraine. They all completed the Biblical Entrepreneurship I training. (Tom is in the front row, in jeans. Ivan Papish, the director of the entrepreneurship center in Ternopil, is in the front row wearing a purple striped tie.)

One of the students who also completed the Biblical Entrepreneurship Teacher Certification training (for BE I)--doesn't he just look thrilled? :) His joy is contagious.

Here's the whole group of those who completed the BE I Teacher Certification. A great start for BE in Ukraine and a wonderful encouragement to Christians in business in Ternopil.

Tom writes:
God has been incredibly faithful during this entire time. Here [above] is a picture of all the BE Certified Teachers. Ivan Papish, my close friend from being here in 1996 is the gentleman sitting next to me. He is a father to many here in Ukraine, especially to young emerging marketplace leaders.

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